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How would you like to have your build featured on the server? We are announcing our first server wide event: Trade Town Redux!
To join, read below and fill out the form!
The goal of this event is to revamp our trade world, and bring it into a more modern style! Use /warp event to get to the plot world, and type /p2 auto to get a plot!
The event ends on March 1st, giving you a month to complete your build
The event has been extended an additional month! The new deadline is April 1st!
-Shop plots must be 16x16, and fit in a full chunk (including walls)
-Each hallway (between shops) must be 32 blocks wide
-Spawn point must be a 2x2 area, centered on the plot
-You can build in teams, but any rewards will be shared between the group
*Note - use the plot at /warp event as a guide for spacing and layout
-1st place - $5000 in game currency, 1 nether star, 4 netherite upgrades, and one armor trim of your choosing
-2nd place - $3500 in game currency, 2 netherite upgrades, 15 ominous vault keys
-3rd place - $2000 in game currency, 1 netherite upgrade, 10 ominous vault keys
To submit your build for the contest, copy the information below and put it in the comments on this thread:
In Game Name:
Additional members:
Theme (Can be changed):
Plot ID (On a sign on the North-West corner of the plot):
If you have any questions, ask myself or another staff member!
In Game Name: forkpower
Additional members: TheTycoon (only if he wants)
Theme : One for each wing and common area. Forest, Desert, Nether, Ocean, and The End
Plot ID : 0;1
In Game Name: Doctor_Dinosaur
Additional members: ImGoingGhost, F3ttst3r (maybe)
Theme (Can be changed): Jungle grotto
Plot ID (On a sign on the North-West corner of the plot): 1, -1